Fast Tracking New Growth

Wilder has a long history of successfully investing in, repositioning and developing dynamic real estate assets.

Acquisitions Strategy & Criteria

We are focused on identifying dynamic assets that offer (or can be repositioned to offer) long term value for us, our clients, and partners.

The acquisitions team expertly creates programmatic retail real estate strategies, which can also be employed by our partners and clients. By creating a set criterion, Wilder formalizes an ideal profile for targeted acquisitions ready for execution.

We are actively seeking core and value-added retail assets for repositioning, redevelopment, and expansion.

Acquisition criteria

Region New England, Mid-Atlantic, Southeast
Asset Type Open-air retail-based properties including mixed-use lifestyle/ entertainment centers, grocery or home improvement neighborhood/community centers, and power centers.

Wilder supports and encourages expansion and repositioning of acquired assets. With in-house leasing, development, construction management, marketing, property management, finance and accounting the company brings vision, knowledge depth, and experience to create properties for today’s savvy customers.
Property Size/Price 100,000+/ $30 million+


Brian Cosentino

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